Reputation System
Players will have a reputation rank based on their actions in the game. Having a positive reputation can help them when buying blessings at a cheaper price and when accessing the merchant and being able to sell items at a more profitable price. On the contrary, having a certain degree of negative reputation will affect when having a higher price for blessings and being able to sell items at the merchant at a price which is not as profitable.
Reputation Ranks:
- -15000: Power Abuser (Hell Pig Outfit)
- -7500 to -15000: Evil (Pig Outfit)
- -4000 to -7500: Killer
- -2000 to -4000: Slayer
- -500 to -2000: Creeping
- -500 to +500: Unknown
- +500 to +2000: Popular
- +2000 to +4000: Hailed
- +4000 to +7500: Acclaimed
- +7500 to +15000: Hero (Hero Outfit)
- +15000 and above: Legendary Hero (Legendary Hero Outfit)

How to gain or lose reputation:
- Kill someone with White Skull: +25 rep
- Kill someone with Red Skull: +50 rep
- Kill someone with Yellow Skull: +25 rep
- Kill someone without PK: -150 rep
- Lose a level: -5 rep
- Level up: +5 rep
- Finishing Quests
You can also Hail or Fuck another player's reputation:

- Use command
!hail Playername
to increase their reputation. - Use command
!fuck Playername
to decrease their reputation. - You can't use the command twice consecutively on the same player.
- Earn opinion points by being online.
- To view your reputation and opinion points, type